Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kampot interest information

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Kampot is a province located in the south of the country Remote 148 Km from Phnom Penh, northern border against Kampong Speu East next Tram Kok district, Takeo, Kirivong south of the Gulf next West next Kampong Seila district, Koh Kong and Nob Sihanoukville same line is a long beach on the Gulf of Thailand to the south Kampot. Kampot has a population of 627884 people and with eight district and the city is divided into 92 with a total of 477 people. Kampot construction history, such as home Market goods Cinema hospital, Net almost as evidence to the attention of the French to land on the water., And phnom baukko interested tourists International and all. On the casino and entertainment places such as: fields, and hundreds of waterfalls can view The following beautiful Clouds.

Rice is the main agricultural output. About 125000 are stored for dasrauv with the highest average yield of 2.6 tons per hectare during the rainy season and 3 3 tons per hectare in the dry season. Fruit is also a major crop in the province. Especially touren (about 70500), purple (59300), and coconut (877000. Province name Famous pepper crops. Kampot pepper International Award And receive status The geographical brand and our products. Kampot mrechakhmaw be found in the main restaurant in Europe. Kampot pepper plantations Output up to 6.5 tons per hectare. Vegetables have been planted in the area of ​​about 66 hectares and supply of Phnom Penh. Fishing and growing sarayosamout also important to Provincial economy. Kampot represent more than 10% of the country's total feed the birds.

Kampot pepper as the geographical Royal Government of Cambodia and the European Union This means that all the Pepper brand, "Kampot pepper" must be planted and harvested only in Kampot No country can Kampot pepper for business use without permission. Kampot pepper, mrechakhmaw young pepper and pepper. Kampot well dangostoeng Near the coast southwest of the country. Area is known as The best place to grow pepper Since the Khmer Rouge regime ourselves. Chef Parisian pepper Kampot pepper is the best in the world. Ago Kampot pepper traffic again on the European market Get support And many use The large restaurant And the status of the geographical from the European Union. Grocery pepper in the world With the supply of more than 4 tons per year. Today, Vietnam is the largest pepper producer (100000 tonnes), followed by India, Indonesia and Malaysia. Estimated Kampot may have the potential to produce 200 tons on the ground size of 20 hectares. Because of the lack of infrastructure And weak management of the farmers The production cost Compared to neighboring countries. With the support of the organization Farmlink farmers in Kampong Trach Production started again pepper To Kampot pepper to the market again. Pepper value lower than 0,76 € per kilo.


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